My niece was using the Applet last night, and in a couple of hours she generated a thousand lines of data, each one requiring it's own transaction with the database. A quick forum post confirmed that I need to modify the code so as to send more data with each transaction.
My first instinct was to upload data at the end of every activity, and I coded for that.
So the addItem3
method, which previously posted data after every item, was reduced down to accumulate a multiline SQL insert command in a new string , and the guts of it were put into a new addItem4
method, which posted the now multiline command:
private void addItem3(String newWord) {
if(firstPass) {
firstPass = false;
sqlbuffer = sqlbuffer + newWord;
else {
sqlbuffer = sqlbuffer + ", ";
sqlbuffer = sqlbuffer + newWord;
private void addItem4(String newWord) {
if(LIVE) {
sqlbuffer = sqlbuffer + ", ";
sqlbuffer = sqlbuffer + newWord;
firstPass = true;
if(jso != null )
try {"updateWebPage", new String[] {sqlbuffer});
sqlbuffer = "";
catch (Exception ex) {
addItem2("jso call failed... ");
But problems arose with posting 15 and 20 line inserts. So I modified the code again such that on longer activities, addItem4
gets called after 10 items, as well as on completion of the activity:
if ((oldItem == 10) && (NoOfItems > 10)) {
} else {
Then there was a typhoon, which prevented anything happening for a few days.
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